Shein’s complex universe inside a bubble; of a bubble, as could not be expected otherwise, of course virtual. This is what we are ultimately going to find when we enter the “wonderland”, and never better said, that the Chinese retailer has just finished raising within the Roblox metaverse.
One of the main immersive platforms to enjoy experiences in the metaverse, and one of the most popular of the many currently available both among users and among fashion brands, an environment that has now just landed on what is already one of the main and most popular companies in the sector, on a global scale.
Developed as part of the strategic association that the Chinese retailer maintains with the Swedish technological fintech Klarna, this new virtual universe, baptized as “Shein x Klarna Wonderland”, is thus shown as an expansion into the digital environment of those same experiences that both had tried to generate, from the physical environment, through the opening of this series of different pop-ups that Shein has been implementing, in association with Klarna, over the last few months in cities like London, Paris or Barcelona. An ephemeral store model in showroom format and without stock in store, unlike the one he took to Barcelona this past November and the one he will use again in Madrid for his new Christmas pop-up —an ephemeral store that opens its doors precisely this Friday, December 16—, from which Put the focus mainly on the generation of experiences. A principle around which the rest of the elements that participate in this pop-up model end up gravitating, endowed with a series of activations that have ranged from the organization of live music sessions, to the free offer of ice cream, coffee or chocolate hot; and a format from which Shein and Klarna now extract that same experiential value, to offer it again from the same digital/virtual medium that is natural to them. from which it seeks to focus mainly on the generation of experiences. A principle around which the rest of the elements that participate in this pop-up model end up gravitating, endowed with a series of activations that have ranged from the organization of live music sessions, to the free offer of ice cream, coffee or chocolate hot; and a format from which Shein and Klarna now extract that same experiential value, to offer it again from the same digital/virtual medium that is natural to them. from which it seeks to focus mainly on the generation of experiences. A principle around which the rest of the elements that participate in this pop-up model end up gravitating, endowed with a series of activations that have ranged from the organization of live music sessions, to the free offer of ice cream, coffee or chocolate hot; and a format from which Shein and Klarna now extract that same experiential value, to offer it again from the same digital/virtual medium that is natural to them.
Consequently, and to finish understanding what we are going to find once we cross the limits of the road that leads us to this “Wonderland”, this new “wonderland” in the Roblox metaverse of Shein and Klarna, we It does nothing but present itself to us as a virtual recreation of those same physical experiences that they have tried to come offering from their different collaborative pop-ups. This is an aspect that is curious, both insofar as these same experiences were the ones that have been designed to finish building the shopping experience in the physical environment, of Shein’s exclusively digital business model. A format that, except in the pop-ups that the retailer puts on the brand alone, and even in that case only while stocks last, means that we can only purchase their products,
From a Shein store to a catwalk and a photocall
Once the forces that have ended up shaping this metaverse have been recognized, this “wonderland” of Shein on Roblox, the time has come to delve into its borders, inside which we will discover a world that tries to maintain itself at all times as a faithful reflection of the same universe of what Shein is today. In such a way that we will find ourselves in a virtual world from which our avatar is presented with the same rules that reign on the Shein platform as a model of life, while they are invited to discover and enjoy the experiences contained in each one of them. the different 8 regions that shape this magical virtual “country”. Regions whose design seems to come precisely in addition to responding to the varied offer that, in terms of fashion and beauty, Shein offers from his online commerce platform.
In this way, and starting our trip, we will land in this “wonderland” of Shein in Roblox on the central square of “Dowtown”. A space from which, if we are beginners, we can start our way by completing a brief explanatory tutorial, and from there go to this same place at all times to consult the map of the country, as well as the classification with the names of the main active avatars within this world of Roblox.
Once the tutorial is completed, without leaving the “Dowtown” region we can cross the bridge that leads us to the second central square of this “heart” of the “Wonderland” of Shein and Klarna. A square that we will find occupied in its central part by a dazzling walkway, decorated with bright flowers and located over the crystalline waters that completely surround this “land of wonders”, a platform on which our avatar can parade, starring in a moment that we can immortalize and for which we can acquire more fame points. One of the two main metrics, along with obtaining more Klarna tickets, which will allow us to unlock new gifts and new options within this virtual world.
Once our parade is complete, from this same space we will be able to continue interacting with the rest of the players, immortalize our passage through “Wonderland” in its photocall area, or finally accessing the third square that ends up shaping the “Dowtown” region. ”. A point from which we can end up accessing the SheinForAll building, the Shein store in this wonderland from which we can buy all kinds of clothes and accessories to dress our avatar.
A virtual world with gym, makeup area and dance floor
Continuing with our tour of this virtual and immersive space, through these three central squares of “Dowtown” is where we can access the rest of the regions in which the territory of “Wonderland” is structured. Spaces that we will find organized in what we could define as two levels, counting in the lower part with the regions of Worklife, Work it Girl, Homebody and Xmas Carol; and at a higher level with the Sheglam, Party Central and Gym Zone regions.
Explaining what each one of them responds to, but in what already seems to be made clear beforehand that there is the clear intention of outlining a universe of virtual environments that respond to the same wide variety that fashion collections and of lifestyle that feed the Shein catalogue, Worklife is a dreamlike recreation of an office at sunset, in which we can “play” at work while wearing our perfect office look. While from the Work it Girl space we are invited to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere of an outdoor park, while we watch the sunset wearing the latest fashion trends. As for Homebody, it is presented as an illusory recreation of a magical house with glass walls, whose space can be comfortably enjoyed in pajamas.
Completing this magical world of “Wonderland”, above our heads we will find ourselves on the other side, first of all, with the Sheglam space. A space in the shape of a toiletry bag several stories high, from which our avatar can put on makeup trying Shein’s Sheglam line of cosmetics. A perfect option before “burning” the night by going to the Party Central space; a heart-shaped party room with views over the Wonderland catwalk, where our avatar can dance all night to disco music. Closing our trip being able to exercise our muscles in the weightless environment of the Gym Zone, a gym that we will find located on the moon that illuminates the nights of “Wonderland”,
With gifts and secret activations
In addition to everything noted, and as is characteristic of all the virtual worlds that are part of the Roblox metaverse, this world of Shein on the platform also has a whole series of gifts and secret activations, which will be deactivated and that we can discover as we participate and interact in the different actions that this virtual environment presents to us. Actions that will consist of catching butterflies or blowing up balloons, to that parade on the “Downtown” catwalk or exercising in the lunar gym, for which we will receive fame points in exchange or unlock new dance moves, while we go out anyway looking for more and more Klarna tickets. The currency of this metaverse,
“Take your unique style and your imagination to an interactive world full of friends and wrapped in all the magic of Shein that you can imagine”, they invite us to do from Shein, and only, they add, “drop down the rabbit hole and enter in the dreamlike landscapes of ‘Shein x Klarna Wonderland’, the virtual fashion destination that revolves around you”.